TREE.0 (Interactive Spaces Lab)

TREE.0 is an urban experiment currently in progress on Vester Voldgade in Kopenhagen. It explores how data can be used subtly to create new activities and gatherings. The first prototype is manifested as a 6m high rusten steel tree with sunk-in light fixtures and a small sensor box to capture date about the environment.
The installation is developed and coproduced as an initiative of the Interactive Spaces Lab of the alexandra institute (webpage) together with Obscura/Vertigo.

data and activity visiualisation
facebook page

Liselott Stenfeld | concept & project management
Kasper Nørlund | concept, visual – & sound design
Frederik Tollund Juutilainen | software
Sara Almeida Santos Daugbjerg | software
Karina Korsgaard | software
Jonas Fehr | consultant, software & hardware development
Vertigo/Obsucra | consultants, technical development, light design & hardware